'The Onset of a New Struggle"
A "mountain man, trapper, trader, good friend, horse thief, 1/4 has been described many ways by many people--and no two agree about him. Born in Ireland 1/4 Bob left home in 1816 to come to America.""Always a champion of Indians, Bob Dempsey and Chief Tendoy of the Lemhi Tribe became close friends. One evening after many swigs of whiskey, Bob traded for the oldest girl, [Margeret, whom] he admired very much. Then they headed for Fort Hall. Bob Dempsey found the trapping and the trading to be excellent in south eastern Idaho and 1/4 had practically all of the waters of the lower Portneuf valley staked out with his traps. The little creek was in later years named Dempsey. Site of this camp is about one-half mile west of present day Lava Hot Springs, where Dempsey Creek flows into the Portneuf River."
Bob and Margaret were married 1/4 [and] parents of eight children: Margaret, Ellen, Ann, Jane, Kathryn, James, Robert Dempsey and John Dempsey. Bob Dempsey died near Twin Bridges, Montana, January 12, 1909."* Credit "The Best Trader of the Emigrant Road" Tana Sanderson (great-great granddaughter of Bob Dempsey). Kathrynn McGuinn Fagnant, and Francis J. McGuinn. Recorded February 4, 1982. Volume 1886 Pg 434: Copyright 1979 by Greater Lava Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce. |
Oneida Bannock Co. Idaho 11.6.1893 - Hon. Secatary. Interior. Hoke Smith.
Please Pardon me for takeing the Liberty of Writeing you. I though I would post your concerning the Fort Hall Indian Resservation situated on the Portneuf River about 12 miles East of McCammon station the junction of the Utah G. Nothern and Oregon Short Line Rail Roads. The O.S.L. Ry. Runs Verry close to said Hot Springs and they are a valuable Property I live about 5 miles West of the springs. Have visited them frequently this summer to Bathe also many Persons afflicted With various ailments have camped at the springs to Bathe and Drink the water and they say they have great benefited there by the Hot Springs affords ample Water for a large Batheing Estabment. What we Call Squaw* [,] men here [,]they have Indian squaws or women for Wives or mistresses. If you or some of your friends Wants said Hot Springs you can by virtue of your office hold them as they are until the Indian Resservation is opened for settlement or you can Recommend Congress to alter the line of said Fort Hall Resservation some 6 miles North of the Portneuf River which is too crooked and leaves too many fractions of Land in surveying. The Land adjoining the Resservation on the south has not yet. Also there is valueable Coal Lands just north of me on the Resservation. An Indian told me that he had discovered Coal on said Lands. I am a native of the state of Virginia and would like for southern men to settle in Idaho, and have some of the Benefits of this Rich state in minerals. Rich farming Lands. Also stock Raiseing. There is Plenty of good vacant Gov. Land in Idaho that can be taken up[.] also Would Like to have more good Democrats here[.] do not be offended at me for posting you about things here for I Believe that the Hon Secrtary Interior of his friends should have Equal Chance at these valueable Properties as well as any other Citezens. If you wish it I could send you a bottle of Water from the Hot Springs for testing. The Water is just Cool Enough to Bathe in Without Burning. If you want more information Write me and I will write you. Respectfully, M.M.M. Martin Mex-War Vet. P.O. Adress Oneida Bannock Co, Idaho Credit: Madsen's Materials- History of the Shoshone-Bannock Indians. April 13, 1984 to 1985. The Pocatello Tribune Pocatello, Idaho, Wednesday Evening, June 18, 1902 Lava Springs - Now Belongs to State of Idaho for Medicinal Purposes. Washington, D.C., June 16, --(Special).--The President has just signed a bill donating to the state of Idaho the lands oon the Ft. Hall reservation described as the Lava Hot Springs, for medical purposes. |